Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Surviving Infertility & Mental Illness

As more men reveal their experiences with infertility, a picture is unveiling that the male struggle is just as impacting and, sometimes, debilitating as for women. While not all guys are comfortable enough yet to be as open as women tend to be about their fertility problems (as evidenced by the huge number of online infertility support groups, and the relatively sparse number of men participants), the ones who are “coming out” have powerful stories to tell.

I recently came across this interview with Matt Barwick, a young man whose life has already included a great deal of loss, including family tragedy, infertility, and mental illness. But when you listen in on this radio show where he talks about his new memoir, “My Life in Limbo: Surviving depression, infertility and mental illness” (Big Sky Publishing), what you hear isn't depressing at all.

Like some of my patients at Houston Fertility Center have expressed, venturing through the infertility journey is daunting, but also instills of sense of being a “survivor” along the way. Couples usually find that this shared experience both challenges and strengthens their relationship. For anyone, regardless of relationship status, taking such conscious steps to have a child becomes a hallmark period of time in their life, and most often, a time that they look back on with great pride. The same feelings can be felt by individuals who are further challenged in life by mental illness.

Take a few minutes to listen to this young man's story. While the title sounds like it would be a let-down, in fact, it is inspiring and should be shared, especially with the men in your life.

~ Dr. Sonja Kristiansen M.D.


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