Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fertility Treatment & Wellness Go Hand in Hand

A recent article on Fertility Authority reminds fertility patients to get their flu shots (and be sure you get the shot, not the nasal spray!) The article reminded me about all the preventive health measures that might get back-burnered by patients.

Many new patients at Houston Fertility Center enter fertility treatment territory in great physical shape and feeling emotionally hopeful. Some arrive at their first consultation already dragged out, physically and mentally, by their months or even years of trying to conceive. Naturally, their first question is, "Dr. Kristiansen, what can we do to finally get pregnant?" My first recommendation for all of them is to optimize their fertility at baseline by getting or staying healthy, whatever that means for them.

Once you enter fertility treatment, you could find your calendar newly crowded by the required exams and office consults, by scheduled at-home injections and tests, even by scheduled intimate time with your partner. It's easy to lose track of all the good things you've learned to make a regular part of your day-to-day experience to keep yourself feeling fit and well.

Fertility treatment and preventive health measures are different yet interactive. Many facets of your fertility in general can change, for better or worse, as your overall health changes. So you could say your efforts at maintaining wellness -- balanced, healthy diet, moderate and regular exercise, relaxation activities, managing exposure to toxins -- are even more important during this point in your life.

So do remember your flu shot and all the other good things you do to stay healthy. And if you haven't yet instituted preventive health activities into your life, now's the time. It's an investment not only in your wellness, but your fertility, too.

~ Dr. Sonja Kristiansen M.D.

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