Friday, October 9, 2009

Surrogacy The Final Stop In the Journey For Some

The Wall Street Journal has published a detailed article on the growing prevalence of international surrogacy as a way to build American families. The piece describes the incredible lengths that some couples will go through to have a child, heart-rending stories in some cases. It also brings up some of the concerns about connecting cross-culturally to resolve infertility.

To be sure, using a "third party" -- whether through donated sperm or egg, or gestational surrogacy -- requires more contemplation than other forms of fertility treatment. In situations where the donors are from relatively impoverished circumstances, hopeful parents-to-be must wrestle with the realities and potential consequences of their choices. With international medical care of any kind, some of the gravest issues can become mired in the differences between laws and health care technology and provision.

International medical care may be less expensive, but there are other costs. All parents must choose between rocks and hard places in "the parenthood."

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