Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coping With a Ticking Clock When You're Single

As I was exploring the Internet for fertility-related news the other day, I came up with this link to a psychologist's thoughts on single women and their biological clocks.

In "Tick-tock goes your biological clock" on, Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman makes some insightful comments on how single women might approach their natural drive to have a baby. I was frankly surprised to see that she included egg freezing as one of the alternatives to quickly tracking down a mate. Apparently, word is really getting out beyond the infertility world that we have turned a bend in family planning.

If you're single and wondering about whether fertility treatments might be your answer to quiet a clanging clock, please feel free to inquire. Don't lose precious time simply by failing to educate yourself.


Anonymous said...

How much experience your clinic has with egg freezing?
Do you have any live birth?
Any statistic form your clinic?

Sonja Kristiansen said...

Because the technology is new, our statistics are pending. We've spoken to a number of inquiring patients about the various options. Most so far have opted to freeze embryos rather than unfertilized eggs. At this time, we have one patient who used frozen eggs to conceive, and she is currently in her third trimester.