Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Asked For It: Losing Hope, Considering a New Treatment Plan

A question from Robin, in response to "Are Simple Fertility Treatments Pointless?"

I've had three IUI's. Two after clomid and the last after injections of follistim (very expensive - my insurance doesn't cover). Is my only other option now IVF? It is not an affordable option for me. I'll be 38 Monday.
I'm losing hope.

My response:

First -- I hear your feeling of hopelessness, and my hope is that I can help you feel otherwise.

It would be unwise for me to advise you specifically, since I don't know your medical history or current patient information. The treatments you've been through already -- intrauterine insemination (IUI), clomiphene citrate (Clomid), and injectable FSH (Follistim) -- are prescribed for a number of different infertility causes. Since I don't know your diagnosis, I can't comment on the efficacy of these treatments for your individual case.

Obviously, though, you are wise to start considering new treatment plans to resolve your infertility, get pregnant, and have a baby.

Truthfully, IVF is not easy to afford for most patients. Not many of us start out trying to get pregnant with enough money in the bank to cover infertility treatment. There are ways to make the treatment process more affordable.

That said, it may not necessarily be time to talk IVF. There may be other pieces to the conception puzzle that are still missing. If you'd like to schedule a consultation with me, my staff will be happy to take your call.

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